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Arts and Science Competition

Join the fun and don't miss out!!

Where: To be announced

When: Saturday at 10am, pick up at 1pm
Prizes: Each first place category score receives a belt flag


  • Limit of 3 items / entrant

  • Items entered in the A&S Competition at winter war last year are not allowed in this competition.

  • Professionals (merchants) are not allowed to enter items into this competition.

However, we welcome you to submit an application to help judge!


Submission Cards

The day you submit your item, please fill out a submission card that explains your piece, how it was made (materials and procedure), which A&S category you want it to be scored under, and how many hours of use the item has already endured.


  • Each piece can only be submitted once and under one category (it can't overlap).

  • Remember, the more detailed the submission card is, the easier it is to judge! Pieces are judged on the overall look, construction, and creativity. Please be very descriptive on how you made your craft!

  • *Submission cards for Historians (how is the piece historically accurate) are essential. Your piece WILL NOT be judged without them.


Categories are listed below.  Please note that some categories may overlap.  Please pick the category that best fits your entry.


Items in this category are Dagorhir legal, field ready armor (includes leather armor). Items will be judged on construction integrity for field use and aesthetic execution of intent.


Items in this category are primarily judged on the artistic intent and execution of the piece. This includes but is not limited to: 2D and 3D artwork such as plasti-diped shields or weapons, shield covers, ceramics, paintings. Etc.


Items in this category are garb items or monster kits that are judged on construction technique, aesthetic concept, and overall appearance.

Garb Accessories

Items in this category include but are not limited to: jewelry, belt pouches, things your character may add to garb. These items are judged on construction technique, aesthetic concept, and overall appearance.

Historian *

Items in this category are based on a historical period or object (not fantasy based) that are judged on its historical likeness. This includes but is not limited to: weaving fabric, carving wood, sewing techniques, natural dying, etc. Entries must include historical documentation with the submission card in order to be judged.

Leather Worker

Items in this category are leather objects judged on leather techniques, construction, and intent.


Items in this category are primarily judged on construction. This can include but is not limited to: foam weapons that can be fought with on the field, woodworking, metalsmithing, etc.

©2022 by Winter War LLC

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